"For you I study, for you I work, for you I live, for you I am ready even to give my life" - St. John Bosco            Don Bosco Navajeevan, Hyderabad wishes every dear friend "HAPPY NEW YEAR - 2024"            The great feast of Don Bosco - a father and friend of Youth. Celebrations on 28.01.2024            WE ARE UNDER MAINTENANCE ..... WE ARE UNDER MAINTENANCE .....            
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Ramanthapur Nov. 28: As whole world is marching forward in support the CLIMATE CHANGE   so also through the Initiative ofWADA NA TODO ABHIYAAN in Telugu Speaking states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh Regions organized a programme showing solidarity and a cooperation as our world leaders from 196 countries are gathering from 30th November 2015 to 11thDecember 2015 at Pars in Francis to discuss on Climate change and to work collectively towards protecting our environment. As part this programme on 28th November 2015, some of the like- minded organizations working towards a better society through children gathered along with the representatives of the children from their respective organizations, they are; World Vision, Save the Children PARA, District Child Protection Unit (DCPU) and Don Bosco Navajeevan, Hyderabad

Action/2015 is a global movement for change. This year, people all around the world they have taken 31,127,332 actions to demand world leaders do their part to tackle the most pressing issues of our time. We’ve come so far, but our job isn’t done yet. Now comes the time for world leaders to make ambitious positive change.

Fr.Pallithanam Thamas, National Convener for WADA NA THODA ABHIYAN said we have been facing lots of natural calamities just because of our Climate change. He said in span of twenty years we have faced 288 Calamities that shook the world in most distressed manner, 690 million children died of malnutrition, lot of people are people are affected by the floods all over the world and most affected countries are China and India. And India is facing number of natural calamities like blow one after another. Ms Tabitha representing World Vision also spoke on the occasion and assured her cooperation in this regard. In particular she called upon the every adult and child present for the occasion say NO to PLASTICS and to become ambassadors to give awareness others against plastics.

Ms. Shamala devi the president of CWC expressed her happiness in taking part in world support movement of action 2015, Ms. Chandana representative from Save the children also spoke on the occasion and need to take care of our mother earth and nature. Mr Nagesh also representing the same organization also communicated the massage by singing a song on the theme. Mr Ambedkar representing PARA from child rights club wing also said that it is the duty of every individual not to harm the nature that we have inherited from our ancestors.

Growing of the trees was the most emphasized issues of the talks of every guest, including Fr.Sudhakar representing Don Bosco  said that trees are our natural heritage we inherit with our birth and live with them all through our life, they become part and parcel of our existence. Human beings cannot survive without their support. Cradle to Cremation the trees are used. He concluded saying let’s plant a tree each and create world full of trees as it is a natural resource of every Nation.

There was an oath taking ceremony of taking care of our environment and after that releasing of the lilted balloons in to the air by the heads of organizations together with the children. Short and sweet cultural show mesmerized every one and KRANTHI BRUNDHAM’S  lively drama play on the awareness of Environment stood as center of attraction of event.

Action 2015 event began on 15th January 2015 and numbers of activities were organized all through the year and with this event showing our solidarity for the convention to be held at Paris on above mentioned issue as last programme to conclude ACTION 2015 programmes. We Thank Fr Thomas Pallithanam, National Convenor for WADA NA THODA ABHIYAN who look lot of initiatives to give awareness on ACTION 2015 in India.